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New Life Disaster Relief​
Serve God • Serve Family • Serve Others

"Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others." 1 Timothy 6:18
Why Mississippi?
Mississippi ranks as the most impoverished state in the United States.
Why Mississippi...
Why Mississippi...
In 2005, the Mississippi Gulf coast was devastated by hurricane Katrina. The property and economic losses are unparalleled in current US history. The effects are still unfolding today.
Why Mississippi...
In 2010, the BP oil spill decimated the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi experienced yet another debilitating blow to the economy. Promised financial relief has been slow due to funding being tied up in the courts.
In 2020, as the rest of the United States suffered the crippling impacts physically, emotionally, and financially of Covid, in Mississippi the effects were exacerbated due to limited healthcare access, and such a large reliance on the tourism, and service industries. Also, with the overwhelming number of the small businesses having to close, unemployment soared even higher, and tax bases were even further reduced. Federal aid has not been able to minimize the repercussions of the Covid pandemic.
Why Mississippi...
Why New Life Disaster Relief...
Since 2005, NLDR has been responding to disasters, rebuilding communities, and distributing goods/supplies to the community. Along with our volunteers, NLDR has been helping our neighbors in Mississippi, and surrounding states to overcome daily challenges associated with these hardships.
Please contact New Life Disaster Relief if you want to lead a group to Biloxi.
Come on down, ya'll!
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